

National Security

PM has 'no idea' on boat arrivals

April 9, 2024

Tuesday 09 April 2024
William Tyson and Angira Bharadwaj
The Daily Telegraph

 The federal Opposition is demanding an explanation over the arrival of more  asylum seekers in Western Australia, accusing Labor of having "no idea  what to do to get them back under control".
 Asylum seekers who arrived by boat at a remote air base in the Kimberley  region have been transported to Australia's offshore detention facility on  Nauru as concerns grow over an increase in boat people.
 Coalition home affairs spokesman James Paterson said it was the third illegal  boat to arrive on Australian shores in the last five months.
 "There's been three in the last five months that have made it to the  Australian mainland, dropped off asylum seekers, and left again without being  detected," Senator Paterson said on Sunrise on Monday morning.
 "That's among 13 boats that have attempted to make the journey to  Australia since the election last two years.
 "It's clear the Prime Minister has lost control of our borders. He has  no idea what to do to get them back under control again."
 It is believed the latest asylum seekers are Chinese, only the second boat of  Chinese people
 James Paterson.
 to be detected since 2012. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Sunday  maintained that no changes needed to be made to Operation Sovereign Borders,  Australia's border protection regime, despite the spike in arrivals.
 "People smugglers will always try to change their methods in order to  ply what is the dangerous trade. But there is no change to Operation  Sovereign Borders. It's important that message be sent," he said.
 "We'll use all avenues at our disposal to make sure that the borders are  protected."
 Shadow Attorney-General Dan Tehan also said that Labor had dropped the ball  on border protection. "The problem is Labor has got a very, very poor  track record," Mr Tehan told 2GB on Monday morning.

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