

Community Safety

Attacks on Jews 'far more prolific' than Islamophobic incidents

January 21, 2025

Tuesday 21 January 2025
Mohammad Alfares
The Australian

 Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson says there is no parallel  between anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, with attacks against Jews "far  more prolific".
 The Liberal senator said it was important to address violence against  minority groups but argued that anti-Semitism represents a more pressing  concern in Australia, pointing to targeted anti-Semitic attacks, such as cars  being set alight in Jewish neighbourhoods, as evidence of the scale of the  problem.
 The Coalition on Monday unveiled a suite of proposed law reforms to escalate  criminal penalties to combat anti-Semitism.
 "One of the reasons why we talk about anti-Semitism more often than we  talk about violence against Australian Muslims is because it is far more  prevalent. It's far more prolific. Thank God we have not seen any places of  worship important to Muslim Australians firebombed, as we have seen a  synagogue," Senator Paterson said.
 "Thank God we have not seen any cars set alight in Muslim neighbourhoods  targeting Muslim Australians.
 "And if that were to happen, and we hope it does not, I assure you that  I and the Coalition will condemn that as loudly and as vigorously as we are  condemning the violence against the Australian Jewish community.
 "I think we should not be drawing a parallel here where it's not  warranted.
 "It's far more prolific against the Jewish community, which is a far  smaller community, and it's a far more serious problem, and that's why it has  the attention it deserves."
 According to the latest report from the Executive Council of Australian  Jewry, more than 2000 anti-Jewish incidents were reported in Australia  between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024.
 That represents a 316 per cent increase on the previous year. Had the ECAJ  included in its figures the online content that the Online Hate Prevention  Institute gathered over the same period, that number would rise to almost  6700.
 The ECAJ also reported that anti-Semitic incidents increased 738 per cent in  the two months following October 7, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022.
 In comparison, latest statistics from the Islamophobia Registry in Australia  identified 932 incidents in the year after October 7, 2023.
 The IRA reports Islamophobic attacks in Australia increased by more than 600  per cent in that period, with some cases unreported.
 Alleged attacks included spitting, threats to mosques and Muslim schools,  graffiti, property damage, hate mail, verbal abuse, and online abuse.
 The data compiled by the IRA includes online discourse such as social media  posts, unlike the data from the ECAJ, which only counts specific online  threats of violence.
 The release of these figures comes as the Australian Federal Police revealed  there was more than 100 reports of anti-Semitic attacks targeting Australia's  Jewish community in just one month after the launch of Special Operation  Avalite.
 The AFP also announced that a western Sydney man has been charged after  allegedly making death threats against members of a Jewish group, marking the  first arrest under its dedicated anti-Semitism taskforce.

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